Nakuru Rural Water and Sanitation Company Ltd
Through the watershed-based approach, we encourage and work with water utilities in improving the watershed to increase water volumes and reduce the cost of supply. Our target is to plant 1 million trees within these watersheds by 2022. Through this program, 125,000 trees were planted in 2019. Nakuru Rural Water and Sanitation company is one of the water utilities that has already embarked on the watershed restoration program.

Murang’a Water and Sanitation Company.
Our strength in creating linkages and networking has seen private companies and government partner in tree planting activities across the country. 15,000 trees are planted at Karie water treatment plant which is under the management of Murang’ a Water and Sanitation Company. Aftercare activities is the responsibility of the company and we carry out monitoring and evaluation.

Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company ltd – Ruiru Dam
H.E The First Lady Margaret Kenyatta joins a tree planting exercise at Ruiru Dam in Kiambu County during the Bamboo planting day. 10,000 bamboo seedlings were planted around the Dam as a watershed conservation measure. The facility is under the management of Nairobi City Water and Sewerage Company Ltd which supplies water to the residents of Nairobi City.

Havilla Children’s Home
Havilla Children’s Home is at the outskirts of Nairobi City and it is home to over 70 orphaned Children. The Home has ample land and has set aside a green park that we have supported in tree planting and maintenance as a leisure park. Fruit trees are also planted to supplement the diet of the children. The children are encouraged to adopt a tree and nurture it.

Talek Women Livelihood program- Narok
To support the livelihood of women in Talek, Narok County , we have embarked on a project to supply fruit trees to women groups as a way of improving their incomes. Every woman plants a number of fruit trees at home and they are trained on seedlings propagation for expansion and sustainability of the project. Value addition is also part of the program.

The Mau Forest
The Mau Forest is a critical water tower in Kenya. The government has embarked on an ambitious restoration program by launching the 10 million tree planting initiative to restore this forest complex that is of great regional importance. We join the government in this restoration exercise.